Sean Luke Lum Fai - Online Memorial Website

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Sean Lum Fai
Born in New York
6 years
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Angel Sean August 25, 2008
Just Passing by Sean to let you know you are missed and loved everyday.
RissaAbby A Knot In My Throat August 24, 2008
A knot in my throat, thats what I feel when I look at Sean's picture...the tears well up, but I take a deep breath...the questions are all there accompanied with the anguish...they will remain unanswered for now...this is hard...and if I who never shared his delicate life personally, could feel this indescribable pain...what must YOU be feeling? I FEEL FOR YOU PEOPLE...Only Almighty GOD can ease and lessen this pain...For this I will Pray.
J Happy 9th Birthday August 17, 2008

Happy 9th Birthday in Heaven Sean. May you have a great birthday and a great day. In heaven you have your Angel friends to keep you safe and happy. I know you miss your family but don't worry. You will see them again someday.

Know we love you and miss you. Hold Duffy tight and watch over your parents and family. They love and miss you,so do I.

Catherine Hanvey Your angel August 14, 2008
I just came across your previous son's page and I wanted to say how utterly sorry I am that there are such evil people in the world who could take your precious away in such a barbaric way. My heart goes out to you. You must be incredibly strong.
teri naim (f) HOPE July 5, 2008
ms lum fai we met in eagles restaurant chaguanas we sat and talked and cried i lost my job but for a good reason i did not regret it you are a very strong person inside and out you will be able to hold him and never let him go again one day but for now he is looking down on you and smiling saying mummy be strong be happy for i no we will meet again remember good things come to those who wait and patience is virtue you will see him again my heart goes out to especially you and your family may god bless and keep you all
Jessie Angel Sean June 25, 2008
You left hell (earth)  to go to a better place where there is only love and happiness i wish all your dreams come true up there we all love you dearly and miss you god bless your sweet soul
Petal With my sympathy June 23, 2008
It has been a little more than 2 years and I still feel this as if it happened yesterday. I can't begin to understand what his family is going through. I just wanted to say that he's looking down on all of us and smiling. May God bless him and his family
Angel condolence for Sean June 22, 2008

I have really loved an angel

I will never be the same

The hardest thing to do was to let go of my angel

Say goodbye

Let Em fly

My Angel

My best friend

I rest easy some nights knowing you are saf sweet angel. Knowing that you are being taken care of.

I will sleep easy the day when I finnaly get to see you. Until then though I will keep fighting so no more children have to hurt like you did.

Sleep well.

Loving you

Pamela Aloha pumehana May 20, 2008

My God Sean i saw a pic of you, you handsome little boy with witty bright eyes!!Your mother must love you and miss you sooo much.


I HOPE justice is done for you Angel, people took advantage because you were still so small,a boy.I know you would have grown to be a powerful man who no cowards would dare touch. But that's who cowards hurt, innocent still young little ones like you.I'm sorry for that.

RIP peace Angel, God said "the last will be the first" , you are safe now in the arms of Divine Grace. Love always.

J.K.S To my angel,My best friend May 20, 2008

sweet angel You family miss you so much. They can't wait for the day when they can hold you in their arms tight. I am sorry you never got a chance to tell them goodbye.

I know you are running in the big playground in the sky loved so much. I know you and your angels friends are taking care and looking out for each other.


I hope i see you one day in heaven. If not then it gives me comfort to know that you are there in heaven smiling

Karen Rest in forever Peace April 28, 2008

It has been a Month today sweety since I visted your memorial page but you are forever in my heart....I was last here on your birthday....I know you are watching down from above on your family and you know they are doing ok...It is still very hard to read your story as I do daily to remind myself of why I am doing what I can to help children....You give me strenth...wisdom and encouragement to go on......For you I will continue to do this.....For all the children that need's to know who you were and how special you still are.....I know you meet a lot of new friend's I read about them almost daily.....They to I hold dear in my heart and will continue my journey for you all........I know this is what you and all the other children want..........We will not let you ever be forgotten.....Have a great time with the new friend's Sean...They need you!

Take Care Sweet Angel

Hug's & Kisses


Joy My Heart cries for your family April 3, 2008
I am so sorry that your family has had to feel the pain that no one should ever have to bear... that of losing a child in such a senseless and brutal way. May God with His loving tender mercies comfort you as only he can, and may you rest in the knowledge that your angel boy is safe in His arms.
Karen Beckner PineyGal-Brandon Jr. Grandma March 28, 2008

Sean I visited you a short time ago. As many children you know now I sadly miss & pray for. Two year's ago today we lost you, you earned your wing's precious one. Your family Misses you & Loves you! I know you are safe now free from pain and are settle in. I know you have many friend's, Kelsey, Emily, Riley, Brianna and so many more, they all need your friendship. I know you all are happy, laughing, dancing, playing & sending Butterfly Kisses down to your family's. You are very special to many, life was not intended to hurt here on earth, that is why God picked you back up and cradled you in his arm's, wiped away your tear's and stopped your pain. We have an Awesome God he takes care of a lot of little one's that are now his precious Angel's, so they hurt no longer. You are getting so much bigger 8 year's old now. I know you do well in school up there you have very good teacher's! I will visit you again Sean real soon, until then I am praying for your family down here. Don't worry about them Sean they have a lot of people praying for them. They know you are sending them Butterfly Kisses & you love and miss them too. Rest now little one, you'll have another new friend coming to be with you some time today. Show them around and introduce them to everyone, show them where they can find that big play ground in the sky.

Hug's & Kisses my little friend, talk soon!


Elyse with love March 28, 2008
Sean is in a better place now where the world is not so cruel. My heart goes out to the family.
skylar jade to sean March 9, 2008

sean i hope you are doing well with Kelsey,emily,brianna and riley. though i have never met you i think of you everyday. i know you suffered on earth but you have returned home to heaven. i couldn't even begin to imagine what you went through. i hope and pray you are being taken care of. mommy and daddy and the rest of your family and classmates miss you alot.


Karen Beckner Brandon Jr. Grandma March 8, 2008
My heart goes out to your family. I am sorry for your great loss. May you take comfort knowing Sean is above smiling down upon you. He is with all the other children jesus is holding close. He is playing in the beautiful play ground in Heaven waiting for the day he is reunited with his family. You will be with your precious child again one day & live in eternal peace and happiness. He know's you are hurting because he is not with you now, I am certain if he could tell you his self he would say " I am ok now, I am having fun with all the other children here it is so beautiful, I will watch over you until we are together again, I love you!
May God Bless you & comfort you.
Aidens mommy, Renee Kimbrell to Seans family March 7, 2008
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your precious little boy. Jesus will keep him safe and hold him close. You too will hold him again someday.
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